The Massachusetts DESE just released 2016 4-year graduation rates and noted that for the 10th consecutive year, that graduation rates improved statewide. Last year, the state graduation rate was 87.5% up slightly from in 2015. Below are the newest grad rates for Massachusetts' ten urban districts.
Over the past decade, Lawrence has seen a 75% increase in its graduation rate.
In Lynn, the graduation rate has been steadily improving over the last five years with a slight dip between 2014 and 2015. Overall, however, the city's graduation rate has improved 17% since 2006.
At the individual high school level, graduation rates vary although they all fall within a relatively small range.
Lynn Tech's graduation rate has been improving, going from approximately 60% ten years ago to 77.3% in 2016. Fecteau-Leary, Lynn's alternative school, has also seen an improvement in its graduation rate with a 33% improvement over the last five years.
All data taken from: