Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lynn Teacher Evaluation Ratings 2012-13

During the 2012-2013 school year, Race to the Top (RTTT) districts were required to implement the new Educator Evaluation framework with at least 50 percent of their educators district-wide. According to the data information:
Educators who were evaluated under the new system earned a Performance Rating of Exemplary, Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Unsatisfactory. Each educator received an overall Performance Rating based on multiple categories of evidence, including evaluator judgments based on observations and artifacts of professional practice; evidence of fulfillment of both professional practice and student learning goals; and multiple measures of student learning, growth, and achievement
The Performance Ratings reported by districts may be either Summative Evaluation ratings, which occur at the conclusion of the full evaluation cycle, or Formative Evaluation ratings, which occur at the end of the first year of a two-year Self-Directed Growth Plan.

 The performance ratings are as follows: 
  • Exemplary: educator's performance consistently and significantly exceeds the requirements of a standard or overall.
  • Proficient: educator's performance fully and consistently meets the requirements of a standard or overall.
  • Needs improvement: educator's performance on a standard or overall is below the requirements of a standard or overall, but is not considered to be unsatisfactory at this time. Improvement is necessary and expected.
  • Unsatisfactory shall mean that the educator's performance on a standard or overall has not significantly improved following a rating of needs improvement, or the educator's performance is consistently below the requirements of a standard or overall and is considered inadequate, or both. 

Below are Lynn's teacher evaluations for the 2012-13 school year. 

*Teachers - Non-Professional Status and Teachers - Professional Status are subsets of the overall 'Teachers' category.
  • In total, 1209 educators (41.6%) were evaluated with 87.7% falling into the proficient category; no educators received an 'unsatisfactory' rating.
  • 476 non-administrators were evaluated. Non-administrators could be teachers, guidance counselors, school psychologists or instructional coaches. 87% of those evaluated in this category were proficient. 
  • 22.4% of teachers with non-professional status received an evaluation of 'needs improvement.' Non-professional teachers are those with less than three consecutive school years in a given school system; 219 teachers who were evaluated fell into this category.
  • 96.2% of teachers with professional status were proficient; 236 teachers were in this group. 

Teacher evaluations did vary at the individual school level. Here are some examples:
  • 14.3% of Classical High School teachers received an exemplary rating
  • Lynn Tech had the highest percentage of 'proficient' teachers at 98.4% (the other 1.6% received needs improvement)
  • Sisson Elementary School had the highest percentage of teacher receiving a needs improvement rating (41.7%)

All Data taken from:

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