In addition to the most recent graduation rates, the Massachusetts DESE also reported the newest annual dropout rates at the state, district and individual school levels. Annual dropout rates refer to the percentage of students from any grade 9 through 12 that drop out of school in a given school year and do not re-enroll by the next October. Statewide, the annual dropout rate in 2015-16 was 1.9% with no change from the previous year. Below are the dropout rates for the state's ten urban districts.
Lynn's 4.9% dropout rate was the equivalent of 210 students leaving school during the 2015-16 school year. The previous year Lynn's dropout was 3.8% (or 157 students).
Dropout rates at the individual school level in Lynn varied. Lynn English has seen an increase in the dropout rate recently with a 65% increase over the previous year. Lynn Tech, on the other hand, has seen a pretty steady decline in dropouts over the last five years.
At the subgroup level, there were differences in dropout rates. For example, male students in Lynn dropped out at a rate of 6.1% in 2015-16 compared to 3.5% for female students.
All data taken from: