On January 22, 2016, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education recently reported graduation rates for the Class of 2015. Statewide, the four-year graduation rate was 87.3% for students entering 9th grade for the first time in 2011. Since 2006, the graduation rate in Massachusetts has increased 9.3%.
In Lynn, the 2015 graduation rate was lower than the state's grad rate at 74.9%. Compared to a decade ago, however, the graduation rate has increased 16.3%.
Among the ten Commissioner's Districts, Lynn had the 4th highest graduation rate.
At the subgroup level, graduation rates at both the state level and in Lynn varied.
*ELL = English Language Learner
*SWD = Students with Disabilities
Both Lynn Classical and Lynn Tech graduated 100% of their Asian students.
At the individual school level in Lynn, graduation rates also varied slightly.
From 2014 to 2015, Lynn Tech had a 10% increase in its graduation rate while Fecteau-Leary reported a 6.6% increase. Lynn Classical and Lynn English both saw decreases in their graduation rates (-2.5% and -0.64% respectively).
All data from: www.doe.mass.edu