Friday, December 7, 2012

Public Meeting Re: Marshall Middle School: 12/11/12

There will be a public meeting to discuss the proposed new Marshall Middle School Preferred Schematic Report and a vote to submit this to the Massachusetts School Building Association (MSBA). The meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 11 at 9:00 am in the Staff Development Room on the 2nd Floor of 90 Commercial St (the Lynn Tech Annex).


  1. I'm confused as to why there's a public meeting at 9am. That's not a very public time.

    It's also taking place during school hours, so how does the public gain entry? Do they have a guest pass system?

    1. I'm not sure about how the public is able to gain entry. 90 Commercial Street, despite being the Lynn Tech Annex, is also the school administration office as well as the Parent Information Center so guest passes may not be required.
